


spread medicinal plants, biomorph, route research method, flora, abundance


The studies were performed by route, stationary and semi-stationary methods using conventional flora analysis techniques. The purpose of the study was to find out a systematic, biomorphological and ecological-cenotic analysis of the flora of wild medicinal plants of of Mykolaiv OTG region. The article presents the results of the study of medicinal plants of the synanthropic fraction of the flora of Mykolaiv OTG. The synopsis of the studied flora includes 81 species belonging to 76 genera, 28 families and 2 divisions. The systematic composition was determined, and the ecological and coenotic structure was determined. The department Magnoliophyta includes 80 species (98,8 %), of which Liliopsida account for 2,5 %, Magnoliopsida – 96,3 %. Division Equisetophyta is monotypic, contains only 1 species (1,2 %). The first three positions in the family spectrum of the studied flora are occupied by representatives of the Asteraceae, Lamiaceae and Fabaceae families, which account for 39,5 % in total. The analysis of the frequency of abundance of species showed that 62,9 % occur quite often. 37,1 % of medicinal plants grow singly and rarely, so their natural habitats be protected. Perennial herbaceous plants (98,8 %), shrubs and bushes (1,2 %) make up the largest share in the structure of life forms.The key role of the different plant life forms by the type of root sestems and position of revival buds about the blanket of snow in restore vegetation of grasslands were definited. The dictribution by life forms showed that hemicryptophytes dominate (46 species, or 55,8 %), the second place is occupied by therophytes – 25 (30,9 %) species, the third cryptophytes 7 (8,6 %) species. The distribution of species was carried out according to their spectra in relation to the water regime, lighting and soil fertility. The obtained results of ecological analysis in relation to moisture indicate a predominance of xeromesophytes of 44,4 % (36 species); to lighting conditions, the group of heliophytes occupies 43 species (53,1 %), to soil fertility eutrophy (39 species, or 48,1 %). It was found that by origin the largest number of species of medicinal plants is of Eurasian origin, 28 species (34,6 %). We analyzed the types of medicinal plants used in officinal medicine by 46 species (56,8 %) and in nontraditional medicine by 35 species (43,2 %).


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