


Huang-Rhys factor, optical transitions, phonons, absorption coefficient


The effect of confined and interface phonons on the exciton absorption coefficient of polarized light as a function of its frequency for spherical CdS quantum dots placed in an SiO2 dielectric matrix was studied. The complex structure of the valence band, namely its degeneracy at point Г, is taken into account in the multi-band effective mass model. Calculations were performed for different temperatures (from helium to room temperature) and radii of the spherical quantum dot of the CdS/SiO2 heterostructure. Such sizes of quantum dots were studied when the energy levels of the electron and the hole were sufficiently far from each other. The electron-phonon interaction parameter (Huang-Rhys factor) was determined for different radii of quantum dots. Absorption coefficients due to transitions of charge carriers between the lowest two optically active levels in a quantum dot under the influence of linearly polarized light were calculated. The size dispersion of quantum dots is taken into account using the Gaussian distribution. The maximum variance in size was 5%. Phonon repetitions were obtained in the absorption spectra. A comparison of the obtained results with the corresponding ones taking into account individual branches of polarization phonons was made.


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