sustainable development goals, united territorial communities, indicators, state of the environmentAbstract
The transition process of rural communities to sustainable development is considered in the context of life safety and quality of rural residents. The article substantiates the ways of assessing the transition process of rural united territorial communities to sustainable development. At the same time, it is considered appropriate to take into account the national tasks and indicators of their implementation, defined in the 17 National Goals of sustainable development until 2030. Special attention is paid to the system of economic and social-ecological indicators, which can be obtained from state statistical reports. In order to take regional features into account, attention is paid to the development of regional automated environmental monitoring systems, in particular also on the territories of rural communities. A set of evaluation indexes has been developed for assessing the effectiveness of the transition process of rural territorial communities to sustainable development. The following indicators are recommended as mandatory for use: carbon balance assessment indicator based on predicted values; percentage of areas occupied by organic production; access to centralized water supply and drainage; the ratio of unstable factors (arable land, orchards) to stable factors (meadows, forests); the share of territories and objects of the nature reserve fund; the area of forested territories. The level of radiation safety is assessed by the dose rate of gamma radiation, the total beta-activity and 137Cs and 90Sr radionuclide's content in atmospheric precipitation, as well as the total beta-activity and the content of 137Cs and 90Sr in soils and surface waters. In order to activate the transition processes of the sustainable development of rural communities, it is proposed to intensify the implementation of the balanced land use principles and to improve the system of solid household waste management. We also believe that it is necessary to ensure the organization and achievements monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals by the rural communities.
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