myopia, systemic immunity, cellular link of immunity.Abstract
Acquired myopia develops during life as an adaptive response of the visual sensory system in response to long-term work at a close distance and, as a rule, does not lead to complex pathological complications. However, high values of myopia significantly increase the risk of maculopathy, glaucoma and other related complications, which can later lead to loss of visual function and even blindness. That is why the medical and socio-economic consequences of myopia are significant for society. It should be noted that the condition of myopia affects not only the quality of visual functions. It has been established that, under the conditions of myopia, there are differences in the activity of the visceral systems of the body (in particular, the immune system), as well as in the functioning of the central nervous system. The purpose of the study: to investigate the indicators of the cellular link of systemic immunity in people suffering from acquired myopia of various degrees. The study was conducted on a group of volunteers, a total of 120 people, aged 18–35, who were divided into four groups: the first group – control practically healthy people, the second group – people who suffered from acquired myopia of a weak degree, the third group – people who suffered from myopia of an average degree, the fourth group – people who suffered from myopia of a high degree. The immunological status of the cellular link of systemic immunity was assessed by the state of the T- and B-systems. In this way, we established that in persons with acquired myopia aged 18–35 years of weak, medium and high degree, the formation of an immunodeficiency state according to the T-cell type (due to a decrease in T-helpers/inducers) was detected.
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