


potato, intervarietal hybrids, hybridization, correlative dependence, content of nitrates.


The exploration on the study of correlation between yielding capacity, starchiness and content of nitrates in tubers of intervarietal hybrids of potato carried out with hybrids obtained from combination such varieties as Polonyna, Mavka, Slava Apta, Sozh, Naroch, Hranola and two hybrids (361-80, 315-84), made with the help of Karpatska cv. As a result of the analysis of correlative dependence between the yield and content of starch in the tubers of offspring of different combinations we were noticing the fluctuation of dependence from weak positive (r ± Sr = 0,222 ± 0,150) to the average negative (−0,526 ± 0,110) with tr equal respectively 0,18 and 4,78. In selection on the reduced content of nitrates in the tubers of potato one should pay attention to the combination of this index with other agriculturally valuable features. Particularly, those principal features are high yield capacity and increased content of starch in the tubers of potato. In the consequences of the analysis we have established that correlative dependence between content of starch and nitrates in the tubers of potato hybrids fluctuates from the average positive +0,581 ± 0,152 with tr = 3,40 (361-80 х Naroch) to the average negative −0,460 ± 0,158 with tr = 2,21 (Polonyna х Hranola). In reciprocal hybridization correlative dependence between content of starch and nitrates in the tubers of offspring is not equal and fluctuates from the average positive +0,581 ± 0,152 (361-80 х Naroch) to the weak negative −0,181 ± 0,177 (Naroch х 361-80). This affirms about non-equivalence of direct and reverse hybridizations. Correlative dependence between yielding capacity and content of nitrates in the tubers fluctuated from weak positive to the average negative. Hence, as a result from the data above, there is no distinct correlative dependence between the features of yielding capacity, content of starch and accumulation of nitrates in the tubers, and the inheritance of these features by the offspring occurs independently, that is different genes control the development of these ones. That is why there is a real possibility to combine in one genotype high yielding capacity, increased content of starch in the tubers with low accumulation of nitrates. 


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