compositional recultivant TREVITAN®, Тriticum aestivum L., germination, germination rate, joint germination, seedlings, growthAbstract
The purpose of the research was to evaluate the efficiency of pre-sowing treatment of soft wheat seeds (Тriticum aestivum L.), spring form, Quintus brand, and winter form, Kubus brand, with compositional recultivant TREVITAN® (RКТ) according to the following parameters: seed germination, joint germination, germination rate, height of seedlings and their foliation. The tests were conducted at the laboratory of plant physiology and microbiology of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University in two versions: Control and research (RКТ). Germination, joint germination, germination rate of wheat seeds was determined in growth chambers on filter paper. Also seed germination and growth processes of soft wheat seedlings was defined in plastic pallets on the soil mixture. Seedlings were grown during 20 days. The data underwent descriptive and correlational analysis (Р ≤ 0,05). It was established that pre-sowing seeds treatment РКТ improved the sowing quality of wheat seeds. The index similarity of РKT on the filter paper increased statistically probably by 10.7% (Kubus brand) and by 11.4% (Quintus brand) on the 3rd day after seed treatment, it increased by 2.9% and by 1.7%, and on the soil mixture in pallets – statistically probably by 6.7% and 5.5% on the 7th day. While processing the seeds with RКТ before sowing, the height of wheat seedlings increased by 71.4–21.0 (Kubus brand) and by 77.8–18.2 (Quintus brand). The use of RKT contributed to the leaf formation of spring wheat seedlings. In the Kubus variety, there was 30.4% increase in leaf formation compared to the control, and in the Quintus variety, there was 39.3% increase. Thus, RKT is a promising drug of organic origin, designed to improve the sowing qualities of seeds and growth processes of soft wheat seedlings.
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