


invertebrate aquatic fauna, streams, Polonyna Runa mountain massif, Ukrainian Carpathians.


The preliminary results of the survey of several invertebrate streams of Polonyna Runa (Ukrainian Carpathians) are presented. The study of these streams was conducted for the first time in June 2024. The biotope groups of benthos and periphyton/epiphyton were not distinguished separately in the analysis. When determining and analyzing species richness and diversity, all taxa at the lowest level of definition were included in the calculation (LIT – the lowest identified taxon). EPT (the number of LIT Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera) and PhFI (Phytophilous Fauna Index) indices were used for preliminary assessment of the environment quality. 95 LIT of different systematic ranks from 17 taxogroups were identified. The Chironomidae was characterized largest number of LITs (27). Invertebrates have preferences for living on aquatic plants, biotopes with currents, streams, polytopic species are also noted. There are many LITs of Orthocladiinae (Chironomidae) ih the streams. The identification of Marstoniopsis gastropods (Gastropoda, Pectinibranchia, Bithyniidae) in the studied streams also needs additional clarification. Diptera larvae (Limoniidae, Pediciidae, Psychodidae, Empididae, Athericidae, Thaumaleidae, etc.) are widely represented. Taxonomic diversity was quite high, at most stations the Shannon index was higher than three, it was determined by both factors: a large number of taxogroups and a relatively even distribution of the number of LITs in taxogroups. The distribution of LITs in streams was quite specific. Cluster analysis showed low similarity of the taxonomic composition of the examined invertebrate at the studied sampling stations. The quality of the environment of most stations according to the EPT and PhFI indices can be assessed as “clean” category (class II “clean” waters). According to the survey results, there were no registered species that are in danger of disappearing and need protection. However, the aquatic invertebrates of Polonyna Runa were practically not studied before this study, and this work is based only on a one-time sampling in June 2024, it is too early to draw conclusions about the state of biodiversity and the presence of species that need protection, additional studies are needed.


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