
  • Halyna Krechkivska
  • Yaroslava Pavlyshak



паразити, сапротрофи, симбіотрофи


Aphilophoroid hymenomycetes are mainly parasites of higher plants, although saprobionts (saprotrophs) or mycorrhizal symbionts also occur. They mostly form fruiting bodies on healthy trees or wood substrate (xylotrophs), sometimes saprotrophs. Aphilophoroid fungi in park cenoses perform several important functions. As the vast majority of members in this group are wood destructive fungi decomposing the lignocellulosic complex of wood substrates of various origins. Saprotrophic fungi provide a normal cycle of matter and energy, decomposing plant organic matter. Unfortunately, the inventory of all biodiversity components, among which there are no unimportant groups of organisms, is still not completed in Ukraine, even on the territory of nature conservation sites, as they are part of trophic chains. The extinction or the insufficient number of species in only one group can lead to the disruption of all hierarchical links in the ecosystem. The main place of growth of aphilophoroid fungi is trees, so they play the greatest role for trees, as one part of the fungus parasitizes on them, the second group leads a saprotrophic life, the third one creates mutually beneficial living conditions for both trees and fungi. On the territory of the study, namely, in the parks of Drohobych, the species diversity of aphilophoroid fungi in the parks of Drohobych was distributed as follows: Bohdan Khmelnytsky Park – 29 species; Newborn Park – 16 species; Drohobych City Park of Culture and Recreation – 12 species; park "Franko University Park» – 8 species; Stepan Bandera Park – 6 species; park "Student Ecopark" – 3 species. 34 species of aphilophoroid fungi, which belong to five orders are found in six parks of the city of Drohobych. Of these: 9 – species were found on living and weakened woody deciduous trees and are parasitic fungi; 21 – species found on felled trees, stumps, fallen branches, are saprotrophic fungi; 4 – species occurred in the soil cover, and are symbiotrophic. The large variety of aphilophoroid fungi in the parks "Newborn" and "Bohdan Khmelnytsky" compared to other parks in Drohobych, in our opinion, depends on the neglected and cluttered states of the park. These parks have a large number of ripe, overripe and weakened trees, which served as a habitat for parasitic fungi. In addition, a large number of dry and felled trees, old and fresh stumps and fallen branches contributed to the settlement of a large number of saprotrophic fungi.


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У Дрогобичі стартували публічні консультації щодо планування Парку новонароджених. URL: (дата звернення: 05.09.2021)

Парк імені Степана Бандери. URL: (дата звернення: 05.09.2021)




