internship; quality of practical training; readiness for professional activity; professional adaptation; professional com-petencies; personality value of professional activityAbstract
The purpose of the article is to reveal the scientific and applied issues of organization and content of internship as com-ponents of the preparation of students of psychology for professional activities. In the article, internship represented as a component of the educational process, a practice-oriented element of acquiring profe-ssional competencies and as an environment for forming a value attitude to future professional activity. The main generalizations are made on the basis of the following methods: analysis of activity pro-ducts (practice reports), observation of students᾿ work during the im-plementation of professional functions at the practice base, design of success factors and quality criteria of students᾿ acquisition of profe-ssional competencies, analysis of students᾿ inquiries on problematic issues of performance of tasks provided by the content of practice and professional self-determination in view of «immersion» in the profession. The obtained results showed: the content aspect of the internship program is determined by the need to objectify the knowledge component of student training in practical skills to solve problems of professional activity; the logic of stages in the construction of their activities during the testing of psychotechnologies of psychological care must be best consistent with the logic of working out the client᾿s problems and his request, the formulation of tasks allows them to perform at the indi-vidual-creative and personal-activity levels. The dependence of the content-process context of the tasks of internship and qualitative indicators of professional identification and adaptation of applicants to the new social role – psychologist is recognized. Among them: professionalization of thinking, personal and value attitude to profe-ssional activity, actualization of personal resources of mastering professional competencies, integration of personal and professional qualities, ability to self-reflection, motivation for self-development in the profession.
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