



self-presentation; self-demonstration; self-expression; identification; imitation; social impact; fashion; modernity; values; culture


The article carries out theoretical and empirical analysis of features of personality᾿s self-identity by means of fashion. It presents theoretical analysis of the main approaches to the interpretation of fashion and its evolution in the process of social development and describes the content characteristics of fashion as a social and psycho-logical phenomenon and its impact on the individual identification and self-presentation. It has been determined that fashion is an important mechanism of self-presentation and identification of the individual with a certain social group. The author clarifies the scale of the fashion influence on the self-identification and self-presentation of the perso-nality and its possible consequence revealing the psychological me-chanisms of young people᾿s interest in modern fashion. The empirical study of the role and influence of fashion on self-presentation among students has been carried out. According to quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results obtained factors and the relationship between them have been singled out, which are the key to the self-identity of personality. It is confirmed that the studied groups of students perceive fashion as a means to emphasize their individuality; they have a clear need for material well-being, prestige, popularity.


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