



students; procrastination; procrastinator; behavior; types of procrastination


The article carries out a theoretical and methodolo-gical analysis of the phenomenon of procrastination. In psychology, procrastination is understood as a constant post-ponement and non-fulfillment of planned tasks. It is different from a simple correction of plans or laziness. A person is well aware that non-fulfillment of certain cases can have negative consequences (non-fulfillment at all, late execution, excessive extra effort for deadlines, condemnation of relatives, lack of sleep), however. Again and again a person postpones it. That is why procrastination is often accompanied by various negative emotional states: guilt, anxiety, discomfort, a sense of inability to control the situation. Procrastination is usually manifested in activities, the result of which is very important for the individual. Students have all kinds of procrastination, but academic pro-crastination is the most common. Most often studentsʼs procrastination occurs in situations that involve intellectual stress, require self-orga-nization and activity planning, with deferred remuneration, not suffi-ciently motivated. The classic of academic procrastination is to prepare for the exam on the last day, to write a term paper the day before the defense, or even to write it at night. Chronic procrastination is cha-racteristic of students who have chosen the wrong specialty and the wrong educational institution, so they study without interest and try to complete educational tasks on the last day. In addition, such stu-dents show an inability to organize their activities, forgetfulness, general behavioral rigidity. There are the factors that cause procrastination in the studentʼs environment. They are psychological, socio-psychological, pedagogical and psychophysiological factors. An empirical study has shown that procrastination is common to all students, but manifests in varies degrees. There are some causes of procrastination that the students indicated. They are inability to plan, lack of time, lack of motivation, fatigue, health, too many tasks, uninteresting tasks, lack of willpower, the presence of other important tasks. It should be said that both groups with a low level of procras-tination and with a high level of procrastination there are students who have a positive attitude to procrastination. They see the benefit of procrastination, explaining that they have time to have a rest, time to find more effective way to achieve a desired result, thus considering procrastination a natural state of reduced activity. In the group of students with a low level of procrastination the success rate is higher than in the groups of students with medium and high levels of procrastination. In the group of students with a low level of procrastination there is a high overall ability to self-regulate. High self-regulation of laziness is a characteristic of students with low levels of procrastination.


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