professional competence; psychoprophylaxis; child neuroses; interdisciplinary approach; cognitive component of readinessAbstract
The article deals with theoretical analysis of the problem of professional competence of future psychologists in preventive work with children with neurotic symptoms. The specifics and psycholo-gical features of this phenomenon are revealed due to the definition of different scientific approaches. Competence of future specialists in preventive activities is a multifunctional category that has a multilevel structure (professional knowledge and skills, values, attitudes to pro-fessional activities (motivation) and the ability to improve it, produc-tivity, etc.), characterizes the individual as a subject of a particular activity and provides achieving success. The complex approach to a problem of the maintenance of pro-fessional training of psychologists concerning prevention of difficulties of personal formation of younger students with neurotic symptoms is offered. It is assumed that the formation of professional competence of future psychologists in the innovative conditions of higher profe-ssional education will be successful if an interdisciplinary approach to this problem is applied. For this purpose it is necessary to involve progressive researches of psychology, medicine, propaedeutics, peda-gogics, sociology, etc. We present the results of an empirical study of the cognitive component of readiness of students-psychologists for preventive activities and determine the levels of readiness of future psychologists for preventive work ‒ reproductive (low), reproductive-productive (below average), productive (above average) and creative (high). The most important conditions for the preparation of future psychologists for preventive work with children with neurotic symptoms have been identified. Certain factors of formation of professional com-petence of future psychologists concerning preventive activity are highlighted.
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