


personality, older teenager, self-consciousness, self-attitude, self-estimation.


The article analyzes the phenomenon of attitude to oneself in the structure of personality of the young person. The content of the phenomenon of attitude to oneself of personality in life relationships is shown up. It is noted that attitude to oneself is one of the important elements of self-awareness. It is also noted that a positive adequate attitude to oneself is a prerequisite for harmonious development of the personality with special needs and necessary condition for self-actualization. It is proved that considerable changes in the development of attitude to himself are taken place in the adolescence which characterize his qualitatively new level. The mechanisms of adolescent self-discovery of his inner world are characterized. It is proved that a feature of adolescence is the formation of self-perceptions about oneself and about others. The results of an empirical study characterizing features of samostalna in the structure of personality older teens are presented. The importance of building positive relationships adolescents to itself, which implies the ability to feel personal comfort, a sense of pride, of dignity, of respect is described.


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