psychical self-regulation, forms of psychical self-regulation, mechanisms of psychical self-regulation, main motivational factors of psychical self-regulation, psychical states.Abstract
The actual problem of becoming physic self-regulation was showed as a condition of personal students’ growth in their everyday lives. Were analyzed different scientific approaches to the study of problem of physical self-regulation and reveals the psychological conditions of its own development in the period of study in higher education. Special attention is paid to the disclosure mechanisms and motivational factors of physical self-regulation and students’ ability to implement them effectively in their lives. It is reported that mental state is a key component of psychic self-regulation, which have a prominent role in the flow of educational and professional activities of students, serve as one of the components of the psyche in which identity realizing their desires and aspirations. The results of empirical research of self-esteem of mental states students of psychology as a part of self-regulation process were present. The results of research, showed that the development of the student’s individuality, and thus his physical self-regulation, on different courses has its own peculiarity, that is from year among students increases the ability to anxiety, frustration, aggressiveness, rigidity, identical self-esteem increases, the idea of himself and his own abilities, there is a constant widening of personal space. At the same time both for boys and girls 1 and 4 courses in the foreground goes uniti, integrity of all physical elements, interaction with the environment, and the impact of internal environment or external factors on the human psychics. The students know themselves, their needs and ways to satisfy them, they, always have a choice in the systematic replenishment of energy and believe that the most important things in their lives is the result of their own activity.
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