
  • Maryana YESYP
  • Yuliya PYL’O


self-actualization, stress-resistance, sensitivity, needs, early adulthood.


In the conditions that challenge human’s full and harmonious existence, person revaluates his/her life important priorities. Conducted empirical research in the period of ATO indicates that in every third person surveyed stress resistance level tends to drop. So, almost half surveyed (46.6 %) indicate worsen health conditions, growing level of anxiety and stress due to expectation of danger. Furthermore, every third surveyed (28.3 %) tries to avoid a conversation that reminds them of unpleasant events with regards to military actions that took place within last year. One of the indicators that responsible for self-actualisation of personality in those surveyed who find it difficult to overcome stressful situations, level of sensing personal needs drops. They ignore personal desires and interests; they become shy and feel guilty in the situation when they need to inform others about their thoughts and feelings. Those surveyed who reserve their true feelings, fearing openly express them to others; they actively deny the fact that irritation and anger can be natural expression of human behaviour. Having lesser sensibility towards own needs those who have lower level of stress resistance become less spontaneous and rely not on own interests but on common values of particular community. Such persons have difficulties in creating trustworthy and warm relationship with others; they become filled with fear of expressing own feelings to others and that leads to self isolation in the society. As the problem of stress resistance becomes more evident in the period of destabilisation, the need of wide spread motivation training is important as ever before. That would in its turn provide search, awareness and fulfilment of human’s needs, priorities and goals.


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