
  • Victoriya OLEKSYUK


personality, addicted behaviour, cyber addiction, adolescence, need for communication.


One can also find the important issues of the Internet addicted person during his or her adolescence due to the fact that nowadays the phenomenon of kiberaddiction harmful effect on human personality has become a burning question of the public interest. According to the social opinion holding in our country, 4.4 million of teenagers suffer from computer and Internet overuse which makes them limit their social activity, influences badly on their health and so on. The paper includes the psychological characteristics of the Internet addicted children as their unwillingness to face the life difficulties, their detachment from daily routine and worries; problems to communicate with their contemporaries, teachers, parents; and their perception of any trouble experience as the fact of despair or disaster. The article analyses the results of the empirical research of the teenagers’ need in communication but preferring to communicate in chat rooms. It has been determined that this category of schoolchildren see the communication unilaterally, just as the exchange of information – they hardly realize the communication as emotional contact, don’t need deep friendly relationships, try to avoid supporting and encouraging other people. We can assume that they practice communication only in the communicative aspect as the exchange of information; do not tend to realize their perceptive and interactive components that may become negative for the moral development of the teenagers’ personality in general. It might also cause their susceptibility to various kinds of addiction, in our case to Internet network. But, in any case, the discovered fact needs further scientific research and experimental evidence.


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