


assertiveness; assertive personality; assertive behavior; barriers to communication; emotional barriers; barriers to public speaking


The article presents the results of an empirical study of the relationship between assertiveness and communication barriers. As a result of theoretical and empirical study of the problem, it was found that assertiveness is interpreted by some researchers as a complex multilevel personality trait, which is manifested in acceptance of themselves and others, openness and self-congruence, immediacy, adequate self-esteem, ability to take responsibility, etc. It has been found that this personality trait ensures the success of interpersonal interaction, as it helps to eliminate psychological barriers to communication. The empirical part of the study was to study the relationship bet-ween indicators of assertiveness and indicators of psychological barriers to communication, to identify the specifics of these barriers in people with different levels of assertiveness. Assertiveness rates have been found to be closely related to public speaking barriers and emotional barriers to communication. These con-nections were generally negative, indicating the important role of asser-tiveness in effective communication. An empirical study using valid and reliable psychodiagnostic tools revealed that there are individual differences in the manifestations of psychological barriers to communication in people with different levels of assertiveness. The presence of such differences was confirmed by using the method of aces and profiles. It has been empirically established that a group of people with a high level of assertiveness is characterized by the absence of emotional barriers to communication and barriers to public speaking. In contrast, people with a low level of assertiveness have difficulty communicating and establishing contacts. In general, the results of the study confirm the opinion about the importance of assertiveness as a personality trait that ensures effective interaction.


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