


professional competence; education; family education; the style of the education; development; capabilities of teacher


The article analyzes the problems of empirical imple-mentation of the program and methods of psychological support for students to master professional competencies in the field of education and development of students. The purpose of the article is to represent the experience of teaching the course «Psychology» (general, social, deve-lopmental and pedagogical) by the teachers at the Psychology depart-ment, analyze generalization of educational activities and ways of forming professional competence of future teachers and determine the structure of professional competence as a unity of theoretical, conceptual, personal and professional knowledge (personal abilities and professional com-petencies). The formation of professional competences of a future tea-cher in the field of education and development of schoolchildren is included in the general context of personality formation. The imple-mentation of the tasks of the personal and professional development program enables and creates conditions for future teachers to incre-mentally determine the list of individual problems, weak and negative aspects of the development and implementation of tasks based on the transformation of the acquired psychological knowledge into profe-ssional attitudes that develop, educate and educate students, parents, teachers, other adults; allows one to choose the appropriate ways of self-education and self-development and focuses the choice on healthy lifestyle and other official self-realization. Conclusions. Thus, the modernization and optimization of the technology for obtaining knowledge in psychology, the compilation of a program of personal and professional development of students throughout all years of study at a pedagogical university, the professional psy-chological and pedagogical guidance of the process of personal and professional development of a future teacher by teachers creates all the prerequisites for the formation of a professionally healthy teacher in bodily, mental, psychological, moral, social and spiritual dimensions. The results of the study can be applied in the practical activities of educational workers, teachers, psychologists etc.


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