


old age; life satisfaction; life satisfaction level; self-esteem; quality of life index


An indicator of satisfaction-dissatisfaction with life plays an important role for a person because it determines and influences the subject’s actions, various activities and behavior. These experiences are a significant factor in the state of social consciousness, group moods, expectations and relationships in society. Satisfaction with life acts as the most important internal factor of a person, who determines both its social activity, relationships with other people and the attitude towards oneself. Life satisfaction has a number of different factors, the most important of which are meaningful life orientations, values and mindset. The constant and complete satisfaction of a person with life, its conditions, the wholeness achieved in it by the disclosure of human possibilities is in the modern sense the ideal of happiness. The relevance of the article allows us to analyze the extent to which certain needs of people are fulfilled, and therefore, how elderly people are satisfied with life, as well as the reasons that affect their sense of psychological well-being and, therefore, the experience of happiness. The purpose of the article is to study the psychological factors of life satisfaction of the elderly and its subjective factors. The object of the study is the satisfaction with the life of the elderly as a psychological phenomenon. The subject of the study is the factors that affect satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the life of the elderly people. An important result of the theoretical and empirical study is the identification of psychological determinants of life satisfaction of the elderly people in the realities of today and the influence of various factors on the level of life satisfaction.


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