identification; identity; personal identification; significant other; mechanism of identification; self-identification; correlation; dynamics of identityAbstract
The article highlights the features of the content of per-sonal identification in adolescence in the context of modern society. It is argued that the leading mechanism of identity formation is identification. The article emphasizes that personal identification is very important for the normal mental development of a person at all ages, but especially – in adolescence and youth age. Particular attention is paid to substantia-ting the peculiarities of the content of the adolescent՚s personal identi-fication, and the study of one of its mechanisms, in particular the focus on the subjective other. The personal identification of a teenager is a process of correlating himself with educational, social and personal ideals (images of a student, future specialist, person, citizen), the forma-tion of his values to others. It was found that the process of involving adolescent students in activities in various sports sections is a kind of reaction, a form of social and psychological protection of adolescents and young people in a period of general personal and social uncer-tainty. The development of personal identification of adolescent students in the process of social and pedagogical activities of Drohobych Chil-dren՚s and Youth Sports School named after Ivan Bobersky was consi-dered. It is shown that the psychological and pedagogical effect of pub-lic opinion of the club on the growing personality consists of a number of conscious and unconscious acts and is the assimilation of club mem-bers՚ social experience, social values and norms during his active work.
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