serviceman; combat service; traumatic stress; post-traumatic stress disorders; mental health; adaptation resourcesAbstract
The article presents the results of empirical research of the effect of traumatic stress on the combatants’ mental health; the features of psycho-emotional reaction and adaptation resources of fighters have been studied. In our research the first group (65% of servicemen) was characterized by a sufficient level of psychological readiness for tasks, average level of anxiety, adequate conditions and good adaptation resources. The second group (20% of combatants) included officers with a high level of psychological readiness to complete tasks, anxiety’s low levels and high adaptation resources. It is advisable to form shock front units, based on the sufficient professional training of the first and second groups of servicemen. The high combat capability of the units, which are formed from the servicemen of these groups as well as the minimal sanitary, psychogenic and irreversible losses, will have a positive impact on the moral and psychological condition of the officers and their readiness to perform military-combat tasks. The third and fourth groups (10% and 5% of the personnel respectively) can be described as the ones with the poor level of psy-chological readiness to complete the tasks, insufficient level of adaptation resources, high anxiety and generally low professional efficiency. The greatest amount of irreversible, sanitary and psychogenic losses is formed precisely from these servicemen during the performance of their tasks in the combat zone. Therefore it is advisable to use such contingent in off-duty security units. The comprehensive analysis of the obtained data shows that participation in the fighting takes its toll on the servicemen and it actualizes the necessity of working out a psychological impact aimed at restoring their mental health, successful adaptation to a peaceful life, full return to their families and society.
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Сайт «Радіо Свабода». Взято 30 листопада 2019 р. з www.radiosvoboda. org/a/news-un-viyna-ukraina-zhertvy/30271813.