


education; education space; development; formation; transformation; personality; creative potential


Global challenges of progressing complexity require prompt and adequate response on the basis of coherent and productive personal vital function. Relevancy to non-linear innovative unpredictable processes of existence in all the variability of its changes and scenarios is the foundation of the person’s creative potential. Creative potential, as the synthesis of abilities, characteristics and readiness and possibility of productive vital functioning, is formed in the process of educatio-nal interaction. As a result, education becomes an all-encompassing and permanently functioning process. Education is a unique process of the development of a multifaceted experience of being, creation and development of spirituality, and fulfillment of productive life. Education is accompanying personal existentialistic formation and creative development in all the diversity of life senses. Productive development of the personality originates from education space permanent dynamics. Personal potential ability to develop may be implemented in various forms of interaction: conscious, unconscious, latent and explicit, formal and informal, etc. Education space is defined as territory and time unrestricted, non-linear, dynamic and holistic transformational process of inter-subjective intercourse within information network of global commu-nication. It was based on analyses of social and psychological agents which influence the specifics of personal development and realization of creative potential. Education space integrates objective, informa-tional and technological, emotional, symbolic, rational and intellectual and intuitional and spiritual realities: cultural and historical mankind experience, modern knowledge about the world and human civiliza-tion perspectives; archaic sense of the collective unconscious, experience of developing individual history with transpersonal experience; formal structured, formalized, spontaneously formalized method of gaining knowledge; personal, social, trans-cultural experience; processes of integration and differentiation which determine its dynamic stability.


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