


emotional intelligence, resilience, stress resistance, vitality, war, martial law conditions, adaptability


The period of adaptation to the new conditions that was cause by the challenges of today is quite difficult for the emotional state of the individual. That is explaining by the sudden occurrence of some new internal conflicts, due to unstable views on life and a sharp change in axiological orientations, an increase in the size of amygdala, also due to a constant presence in danger and change in permanent ways of thinking and existence. Polydirection, suddenness, stressogenicity of crises in the state of war affects defense mechanisms, emotional sphere, vitality and adaptability of the individual. Resilience is one of the most important traits and an important factor in growth, recovery, and preservation of mental health in the process of overcoming life’s challenges and critical situations. The article examines the main concepts related to the topic we are researching, substantiates the importance of individual resilience and the influence of the level of emotional intelligence on it, the development of which we consider as a necessary condition of vitality, life fulfillment, psychological stability, successful building of interpersonal relationships and overcoming various types of difficulties. In particular, we defined the main concepts, indicated their interrelationship, and demonstrated the peculiarities of practical application in the martial law conditions. By revealing the chosen topic, we managed to combine the understanding of intelligence, emotional intelligence and stress resistance of the individual in the conditions of martial law. This helped to determine the adaptive characteristics of individuals in crisis situations, their ability to respond to the conditions of today and to form their own resilience and resilience, taking into account difficult life circumstances. In particular, we determined that people are not born with a ready-made set of qualities, knowledge and skills, which are necessary to stay in stressful conditions, which today caused by war. The only way to develop one’s own resilience and vitality is self-education, working on stress resistance, developing one’s own emotional intelligence, analyzing one’s own behavior in stressful situations and retaining experience that helps overcome difficulties in difficult life conditions.


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