children with special educational needs, inclusive educational practice, support, counseling of parents raising children with special educational needs and normal psychophysical developmentAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of the psychological foundations of organizing and implementing the counseling work of a specialist with parents, who bring up children with special educational needs in the system of psychological and pedagogical support of an inclusive educational environment. It is shown that a high degree of parental suffering has a negative impact on their ability to develop good relationships with a child with special educational needs. It has been determined that despite the complexity and sensitivity of counseling parents of children with special educational needs, it will help reduce stress, strengthen family ties and increase the ability to adapt/ resist the problems they face. The article analyzes the tasks that need to be addressed in the process of counseling. The skills that a specialist should have when working with parents of a child with special educational needs are described. It is noted that for the effectiveness of the counseling process with parents, it is recommended to assess family dynamics, namely to consider: characteristics of family members, cultural and ideological styles, coping styles, the subsystem of a married couple and the parental subsystem. The content of work with emotional reactions and techniques used in the process of counseling parents of children with special educational needs are outlined. It is noted that parents and children with special educational needs are unique and, therefore, counseling work should reflect an approach adapted to the unique characteristics of these parents.
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