psychologist, professional training, educational discipline, higher education, psychological serviceAbstract
The article presents an analysis of the theoretical and methodological aspects of teaching the educational discipline "Business model of the organization of psychological services". Its purpose is to justify the feasibility of introducing this educational component to the educational and professional training programs of higher education applicants by defining its role in the formation of such competencies as are necessary for a modern psychologist, such as the ability to effectively organize the activities of the psychological service and predict its results, the ability to identify one's own advantages and apply them in competition. Methodology. General scientific methods of cognition are used – analysis, synthesis and generalization of data. Scientific novelty. The main goal of teaching the course is indicated – the formation in future specialists of an idea of the theoretical foundations, tools and methods of creating and ensuring the functioning of a business model of a psychological organization. The content of the course is characterized through consideration of four modules, according to which the educational material is distributed: 1) "Business model as a scheme of business functioning"; 2) "The process of creating a business model"; 3) "Ensuring the competitiveness of the business model"; 4) "Ethical and legal principles of the creation and functioning of the psychological service". The methods of teaching, the procedure and criteria for evaluating the acquired knowledge are described. Specific examples of tasks used during practical classes and execution of modular control works are given. The importance of independent work in the assimilation of program learning outcomes has been analyzed. Conclusions. The role of the educational discipline in the system of professional training of psychologists is that it provides them with an understanding of the basic laws of the formation and functioning of the business model of the psychological service, promotes a systemic vision of the organization, and forms readiness for the creation and improvement of the business model, ensuring and increasing its competitiveness.
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