


future psychologists, professional development, educational activities, volitional selfregulation


The relevance of studying the psychological features of volitional self-regulation of future psychologists is determined by the personal and professional demands placed on professionals. We believe that a high level of development of future psychologistsʼ volitional self-regulation is a guarantee of their effective professional activity in the future. The purpose of the work was to analysis of the results of an empirical study of volitional selfregulation of future psychologists. Methodology. Іn the process of the research, the methodology of the study of volitional selfregulation by A. Zverkov and E. Eidman was used. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the further analysis of the problem of self-regulation of the individual and the determination of the current state of volitional self-regulation of future psychologists. Self-regulation is important in the educational activities of future psychologists, as it is through it that the mobilization and integration of studentsʼ personal characteristics during learning takes place. The article indicates that the problem of personality self-regulation is the subject of research by many Ukrainian scientists, who point out the multifaceted nature and complexity of this concept. It is stated that volitional self-regulation is expressed in volitional action. We believe that the ability to volitional self-regulation is the basis of self-regulation in general, as it is a structural part of various processes and systems associated with self-regulation. We believe that the process of volitional self-regulation will be effective only when clearly understood by the students themselves. Awareness of the process of volitional self-regulation will influence studentsʼ identification of strengths and weaknesses, planning specific goals to improve their educational activities, and monitoring the effectiveness of their activities. Conclusions. The empirical study has revealed different levels of development of future psychologistsʼ volitional self-regulation. On average, there are predominance of medium indicators of development of the general level of volitional self-regulation and certain of its indicators – selfcontrol and perseverance. However, the dominance of a low level of volitional self-regulation over a high one is alarming. We assume that such results are characteristic only for the first-year students and are associated with the peculiarities of their adaptation to the learning environment.


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