



constructing, reconstructing identity, Internet environment, hybrid identification space, cyber generation


The latest digital Internet technologies allows the construction and reconstruction of various identity models in the virtual space. The purpose of the article is to study the features of the construction and reconstruction in the cyber generation’s identity in the Internet environment. Methodology: The paper analyzes the research of Ukrainian’s and foreign’s psychologists regarding the peculiarities of the formation of an individual's identity in the Internet environment. The concept of construction and reconstruction of identity in virtual space have been considered. Identity construction in the virtual space is defined as a dynamic process of creating online self-image by an individual, reconstruction as building online identity different from the real one, and also as making changes to the online self-image created. Strategies and technologies for constructing and reconstructing the identity of the cyber generation in the Internet environment are summarized. The strategies of constructing an ideal "self-image", creating various accounting profiles, technologies of compilation of strategic self-presentation, deceptive self-presentation, and self-observation are characterized. The article analyzes the results of an empirical study of the peculiarities of construction and reconstruction of Internet identity by representatives of school and student youth. Established: the vast majority of respondents are convinced that a person's behavior on the Internet is different than in real life; it is problematic to identify a person in the Internet environment only by the created online image. Scientific innovation: the mediated interaction of Internet’s users in the virtual space determines the strategies of construction and reconstruction of the identity of the cyber generation. Conclusions: the process of identity construction is more flexible and variable In the virtual Internet environment. Users have a wide field for creating an "online self-image", its presentation and adjustment. Dynamic changes in the configuration of defining characteristics of the user, reconstruction of the online image, enables the appearance of a variable, blurred, multiple identity in the virtual space, affects the formation and development of identity in the real dimension.


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