


аrtificial intelligence, psychological aspects, modeling, forms of interaction


The purpose of the article is to further research the psychological mechanisms that determine the behavior of AI. The article analyzes the psychological aspects of AI behavior modeling. Understanding and analyzing these aspects plays an important role in the development of more efficient and flexible AI systems, as well as in understanding their impact on people and society in general. The research methodology is based on methods of comparative analysis and generalization of theoretical data presented in scientific sources. A theoretical analysis was carried out from classic works in the field of artificial intelligence to the creation of software, which became the basis for further research in the field of psychological modeling of AI. The scientific novelty consists in the further strengthening of research into psychological mechanisms that determine the behavior of AI. It was determined that in the field of psychological modeling of the behavior of artificial intelligence, there are a number of methodological approaches that allow to investigate and understand the internal processes and interaction of AI with the surrounding environment. The research analyzed computer modeling, empirical AI research, the use of psychological tests, integrated AI research approaches, psychological analytics and data interpretation, modeling empathy and interaction, and taking into account contextual factors. It has been established that understanding and taking into account these psychological aspects is key to successfully modeling the behavior of artificial intelligence. The integration of researched aspects in the development and improvement of AI systems allows to create more adaptive, humanoriented and ethically acceptable solutions. Conclusions. We believe that the psychological aspects of modeling the behavior of artificial intelligence not only help to understand and analyze its functioning, but also have a significant impact on its development in the future. All these aspects combine to shape the future development of artificial intelligence, which will not only be technically advanced, but also meet the requirements of ethics, social acceptability and individual needs of users. The integration of a psychological approach in the development of AI opens many opportunities for the creation of more humane and socially oriented technologies. It is concluded that the use of artificial intelligence in psychology opens up new opportunities for the development of individual and collective forms of interaction, helps in the investigation of complex psychological problems and contributes to the improvement of the quality of life.


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Про схвалення Концепції розвитку штучного інтелекту в Україні : Розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України від 02.12.2020 № 1556-р. URL:

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