


existence, life, daily life, everyday life, unusualness, dynamics of life, personality changes


The purpose of the article is to methodologically analyze the purpose, tasks and content of the discipline "Psychology of Life" for practical master’s degree psychologists. The methodology substantiates the content of the discipline, outlines the plan for analyzing the life of the individual in the unity of being and life. The ontology of personality (influences, manifestations, facts, deeds, actions, tendencies) is revealed. Scientific novelty. The psychological features of the life situation and their types, types of interaction of the personality with the situation are described. The peculiarities of personality behavior in critical and crisis situations are characterized. It is stated that a practicing psychologist needs to know the fundamental characteristics of being (dynamism, in particular, manifestations of everyday life and non-everyday life) and to be guided by the types of everyday life and noneveryday life (extremity) and the peculiarities of personality behavior in a non-everyday situation, potential personality changes that occur in the zone of transition from everyday life to non-everyday life and from it to a new everyday life. The purpose of the discipline "Psychology of Life Creativity", the abilities that the student will master in its study and the programmatic learning outcomes are characterized. The content of the main topics of the course is presented: 1) general characteristics of the ontology and phenomenology of human life; 2) psychological characteristics of lifestyle and lifestyle; 3) psychology of life path; 4) life creativity as a process of self-improvement of personality and lifestyle; 5) socio-psychological technology of life creativity; 6) dynamics of life creativity and life fulfillment of the individual; 7) the problem of life creativity in difficult and crisis conditions; 8) applied problems of human life. An indicative list of topics for practical classes is provided. Conclusions. Mastering this discipline will help to increase the effectiveness of their practical activities in the field of psychoeducation, psychoprophylaxis, psychological counseling, psychocorrection and psychotherapy. Particular attention is paid to the problem of life creativity in difficult and crisis situations, which is important in times of war.


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