


interaction, features of interaction, interpersonal interaction, conflict interaction, pedagogical interaction, educational and professional program, special competencies, learning outcomes


Purpose of the work. The article provides a generalized review of the polyvariance of highlighting the features of the psychology of interaction, in particular, typical thematic vectors and approaches to mastering scientific knowledge in the psychology of interpersonal interaction. The research methodology is based on the methods of scientific and theoretical study: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, which made it possible to establish the specifics of modern multi-vector research in the field of psychology of interpersonal interaction. Scientific novelty. A review of the scientific and psychological source base on the problems of the psychology of interpersonal interaction is carried out. The concept of interpersonal interaction in a broad and narrow sense is discovered. It is revealed that the psychological study of the features of interaction is one of the dominant vectors of scientific research. The knowledge about the peculiarities of readiness for interaction, the conditions of interpersonal interaction caused by the new social stage, positive interaction, which is a powerful motivating factor of learning, is systematized. It is stated that a higher education applicant needs to know the fundamental peculiarities of helping relationships. Conclusions. The purpose of the academic discipline “Psychology of Interpersonal Interaction”, general and special competencies that a student will master when studying it, and program learning outcomes are revealed. The feasibility of including the academic discipline “Psychology of Interpersonal Interaction” in the educational and professional program for training practical psychologists of the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education in the specialty 053 “Psychology” is substantiated and an approximate list of topics for classroom lessons is given. Studying modern concepts of interpersonal interaction will allow higher education students to solve complex specialized tasks and practical problems in the field of psychology of interpersonal interaction, to have skills of helping relationships. Mastering the basics of the problem of developmental interaction between a teacher and students will help students learn ways to effectively overcome psychological barriers in the permanent process of dialogical communication of subjects of educational activity.


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