health, health culture, support, areas of support, stages of support, support mechanism, adolescenceAbstract
Purpose of the work. The article provides a generalized review of the features of the development of students’ health culture in higher education institutions. The research methodology is based on the methods of scientific and theoretical study: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, which made it possible to establish the specifics of the directions, stages and mechanisms of the development of health culture in adolescence. Scientific novelty. A review of the scientific and psychological source base on the problems of health psychology is carried out. It is found that the psychological study of the features of the development of students’ health culture in higher education institutions is one of the dominant vectors of scientific research. It is stated that the informatization of the educational space of higher educational institutions opens up wide opportunities for the applicant to use innovative cognitive and communicative technologies in the process of developing a culture of health. The knowledge about the most important areas, stages and mechanism of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a culture of health in adolescence is systematized. Conclusions. The purpose of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a culture of health of students in higher educational institutions is revealed. The feasibility of including the educational and professional program for training practical psychologists of the bachelor’s level of higher education in the academic disciplines “Health Psychology”, “Family Health Psychology” and “Psychoprophylaxis of Addictive Behavior” is substantiated. The acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities about a healthy lifestyle by higher education applicants is the basis for the development of the general foundations of a culture of health. The study of modern psychological research will allow higher education students to become familiar with the fundamental determinants that affect health preservation, the variety of approaches to understanding factors that affect the preservation and strengthening of mental and physical health, and the mechanisms for forming healthy habits. The stages of activity for the development of students’ health culture are formulated and the stages of implementation of psychological support for students’ health culture in higher education institutions are proposed.
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