Peer-review process
The scientific articles submitted to the editorial office of the collection "Problems of humanities. Psychology" undergo a review process (with the provision of the anonymity of the reviewer's person).
There is a system of a double “blind” peer-review in the edition.
Editorial Board directs article submitted for publication to review two independent reviewers, taking into account:
Design articles (the presence of the structural elements, correct representation of the references, compliance with technical requirements)
The quality of the article (link to the work of leading scientists in the field of study, circumstantiality of the sources, the degree of confirmation the theoretical positions by actual data).
Two positive reviews are the basis for publishing articles in the collection. If one or two reviews are negative, the decision on rejection or publication of the article is made by a majority vote at a meeting of the editorial board.
If there are certain disagreements (conflict of interest) decision on rejection or publication of the article is made by majority vote at a meeting of the editorial board too.