
  • Nataliya VYRSTA


given name, family name, patronymic suffi x, diminutive suffi x, old Germanic name, Christian name, additional description.


The purpose of this research is to investigate German names motivated by given names and to identify common and distinctive features of these names on lexical and semantic basis. The object of our study is based on modern German names motivated by old Germanic and Christian given names. The subject of our study is lexical-semantic characteristic of these names. The names for the analysis are derived mainly from modern German lexicographical sources. In general the article analyzes more than 250 German family names. Family names motivated by given names make up about a third of the total number of modern German names. They display old Germanic and Christian names in different structural variants. Most numerous are family names, motivated by Nikolaus and Johannes. Most modern family names match the full Christian or old Germanic given names. There are many names with diminutive suffi xes -ke, -k, -ch, -ken, -chen; -el, -l, -lein. Much less common are the names in the genitive form and with patronymic suffi xes -ing, er. Several names are motivated by female names. The names of the analyzed group are an invaluable source of information about the past, especially about the popular given names in the Middle Ages, they display the old given names, which today are obsolete. Also many family names represent characteristic features of the dialect of the region they originated in. We are going to continue analyzing of German names, motivated by names of other derivation groups.


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