business terms, semantic characteristics, word building, vocabulary.Abstract
The article deals with the analysis of semantic characteristics of the English business terms of and the business terminology on the whole. It has been postulated, that the terms with the large value of the semantic productivity mark the most substantial notions of this sphere of activity and are often used for the formation of new notions which are derived from them and are more often used in speech (bank, cash, money). The terms with the less semantic productivity mark more specialized notions and their sphere of use is narrower (marketing environment, demand deposit etc). Thus, the distribution of terms as to their semantic productivity is the demonstration of advantage law : terms that belong to the core of terminology gravitate to structural simplicity. The criteria of word communication value is its frequency of use in speech. For defi nition of more essential notions scientists select structurally simpler and shorter nomens. The distribution of terms according to their semantic complexity as well as the division according to their semantic productivity meets the requirements of communicative function of a language. Terms with the large value of semantic complexity are oriented to functioning in the strictly specialized spheres: common production profi tability, discount rate. The core of business terminology is formed by the small amount of short and structurally simple terms with small semantic complexity and large semantic productivity. Longer and structurally more diffi cult terms with less semantic productivity and bigger semantic complexity form the periphery of terminology. Mainly one word terms form its core.
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