


the writer Bukovyna, literary language, dialecticism, thematic groups, the aesthetic potential, stylistic functions.


The purpose of the article is to investigate lexical-semantic and functional-stylistic features of dialecticisms in the last lifetime collection of novels and short stories of the Bukovinian writer Volodymyr Mykhailovskyi “The Melody of White Sorrow” (2013), which verbalizes the elements of national and ethnic linguistic consciousness of the representatives of modern Western Ukraine, that is the prototypes of the native spreakers of Bukovinian, Pokuttian, Hutsulian patois. The realization of the aim led to the solving a number of the tasks: 1) to summarize the views of researchers on the concept of “the language of the writer of Bukovyna”; 2) to investigate individual author’s peculiarity of the usage of areal marked words in the prosaic works of Volodymyr Mykhailovskyi; 3) to analyze stylistic functions of dialecticism as a means of speech styling. The conclusions of scientifi c research ascertain that ethnically marked units are a powerful component of the prose style of Volodymyr Mykhailovskyi, without which it is impossible to create a sense of presence in the typical language environment, to structure the aesthetic samples of dialogues, to reveal the colouring of a particular area etc. These units are introduced in narrative contexts in different ways: fi rstly, as correlative elements: the language of the author (mainly common language equivalent) – the language of the personage (dialecticism); secondly, as paginal author’s interpretations of “non-dictionary dialecticisms” (not present in the regional dictionaries), facilitating the perception of literary works to the readers who are not the native speakers of the patois of Western Ukrainian dialect. The analysis of dialectisms proved a new wave of the usage of Western Ukrainian lexicon in the literary narration, which increases the interest in the prose language of Bukovinian writers not only in terms of ornamental use of ethnographisms and dialecticisms, but also concerning the accentuation of “own” against the background of globalization effects processes on language and the spread of the elements of subcultures in it. The research depicts the expansion of functional-style paradigm of literary language, which stipulates the adaptation of dialecticisms in commonly used literary standards; it also reveals the process of so called “neodialectisation” (a reliable orientation on dialects by P. Hrytsenko) in the literary prose in the beginning of ХХІ century on the territory of Bukovyna. There is no doubt in the priority of further investigation of the lexis of modern Ukrainian writers of Bukovyna, in particular, its vocabulary, idiomacity, syntax, thematic basis, that correlates with ideological and aesthetic sense of the prose and generalize day-to-day consciousness of the population of Western Ukraine in the beginning of ХХІ century.


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