
  • Oksana FEDURKO


nonelementary simple sentence, secondary predication, semanticsyntactic relation, adverbs in -o (-e) // - ly, secondary predicate, deep propositional structure.


This article is dedicated to the complex description of semantic-syntactic organization of simple nonelementary sentences with adverbs in -o (-e) // -ly. The main attention is given to the peculiarities of semantic-syntactic relations in the simple complicated sentence. It is established that sentences with adverbs in -o (-e) // -ly in the function of formal syntactic attribute to a class of verbal predicates are characterized by complexity of semantic structure. The models of the interaction of these adverbs in different semantic-syntactic structure of Ukrainian and English sentences have been analyzed and it was stated that not all lexical-semantic classes of surveyed units are characterized by the same semantic and syntactic compatibility, internal and cross-language differences being singled out. The status of adverbial syntaxeme as secondary predicate in the simple nonelementary sentence is defi ned. It has been proved that the adverb in -o (-e) // -ly is in the paradigmatic predicate relations with the deep structure and is a real sign of a sentence, expressing not only complicated or reduced propositions, but various relations between them and the main proposition. The following semantic types of relations have been revealed in the paper: coordinative, comparative, causal and relations of manner. The topicality of this study is due not only to the growing interest to semantic-syntactic aspect of the sentence structure but also to the lack of comprehensive description of the peculiarities of semantic-syntactic relations in simple Ukrainian and English sentences. The study of nonelementary simple sentences with adverbs in -o (-e) // -ly makes it possible to reveal the complexity of their semantic structure and defi ne the character of semantic-syntactic relations in the sentence.


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