communicative intention, lexical repetition, communicative act, communicative strategy, illocution, communicative tactics.Abstract
The article highlights approaches of scientists regarding the interpretation of the concepts of “communicative intention” and “ illocution”. It was analysed classifi cation of speech intentions that are available in modern linguistics and it was also discovered the role of lexeme repetition in implementing the intentions of the characters in communicative acts. It is worked out in the article the varied approaches of the interpretation of the concept ‘’ communicative intention’’ in the article, it is analysed the lexical repetition as a tool of the expression of intention in the inner textual plane, on the communicative stage “character-character”, it is also defi ned the role of the repetition of lexemes in the strategically-tactical characters` blocks of modern Ukrainian small prose, explains the main determinant in the process of communicative failure, investigates specialties of repetition and their role by correction of communicative failure. In the article it is established the role of the repeated nominations in the development and implementation of strategic-tactical narrative of character, it is also outlined here views of the linguists about the interpretation of concepts “lexical repetition”, “communicative strategy”, “communicative tactics”.
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