attributive characteristics, epithet, folklorism, idiostyle, ethnic stereotypes, language aesthetic sign of national culture.Abstract
Purpose of the article – to analyze epithets as linguistic aesthetic signs of national cultures in the Sydir Vorobkevych’s works. In the article the infl uence of linguistic-stylistic organization of folk genre texts on S. Vorobkevych’s idiostyle, who was a famous Bukovinian artist, which gained wide recognition as a talented poet, novelist, playwright, educator, social activist, folklorist and composer. As element of folk tradition in the language of the writer’s works examined attributive characteristics of objects that function in the language of folk art as a traditional epithets. Analysis of traditional attribute showed differentiation of semantic space Vorobkevych’s works in two main fi elds: Ukrainian world (stereotypical images of a person’s appearance, environment, stereotypical features abstract concepts) and non-Ukrainian world (attributive phrases that refl ect the historical past of our nation associated with alien oppression, aggressive attacks and enslavement). So it is proved that epithets, functioning in a writer’s artistic texts as psychomental word-fi gurative signs, identifying the author as a national linguistic personality, and accumulating a kind of imagery, symbolism, ethical and aesthetic estimations represent ethnic culture and Ukrainian language picture of the world. Prospects for further research – to analyze other linguistic means of expression of folk traditions in S. Vorobkevych’s idiostyle.
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