nomen God, Marianne Kiyanovska, linguistic and cultural aspects, semantic and functional aspect, onomastic space.Abstract
In the article consider the linguistic and cultural semantic and functional aspects nomen God onomastic space in the poetry of Marianne Kiyanovskoyi. The source base study were poetry contained in the selected collection “DO ER,” one united inner story – epic, mythological – love as a way worldcreation. The purpose of article – consider the functions biblical nomen God in modern poetic discourse Mrianny Kiyanovskoyi. It was found that lexeme God in the works of the author is an expressive artistic means and worldview concept. The nomen analyzed in poetry endowed with many qualities, among which the poet identifi es three: a large, blissful and merciful. Within the defi nite semantic fi eld characterized metaforation deep artistic worldview of the poetess. It is proved that the canvas of modern poetic discourse nomen God has a special place, because bohovidchuvannya way, the knowledge of God and his presence experiences possible spiritual eyes of faith and direct, internal, intuitive experiences. Indicated that fi lling poetic nomina God many lexical and semantic nuances, the author only occasionally is served by the name of God in a different lexical terms (Lord, Christ). The basic functions the slovovzhytku analyzed nomen at poetic texts by Marianne Kiyanovskoyi.
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