


associate, associative and semantic fi eld, associative lines, lexical and semantic fi eld, a word-stimulus, synonymic and antonymic series, transformation.


The purpose of the article is to trace the organization of grouping words into semantic fi elds, which are based on association, and to identify the concept «associative and semantic fi eld». Each fi eld has its own semantic structure – a complex hierarchical organization of the center (nucleus) and peripherals that are in constant interaction. We use associations to group words into semantic fi elds, as vocabulary is «imprinted» in the human memory associatively, on the principle of common semantics. Therefore, the structural elements of the semantic fi eld often include associations like spring - green, light, fl owers, etc., and the associative fi elds are denoted by the term semantic fi eld. It was found out that associative and semantic fi eld is determined as synthetic model: on the one hand, it is an intertext structure, which determines content concepts of these or those text unifi cations, on the other hand – it is a method to organize the integrity of a text in its aesthetic apprehension. In the article the concepts «associative and semantic fi eld» and «lexical and semantic fi eld» have been considered, the characteristic of associativeness and fi eld structure of a literary text has been analyzed, the features of the associative fi eld have been considered, associative lines have been analyzed. The prospect for further research is to analyze associative and fi gurative line in poetic texts.


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