
  • Lilia HULEVYCH


romanticism, female characters, mystery, ethnic characteristics of the Carpathian Boyko.


It is researched the originality of the female characters in prose works of the writer-romanticist Mykola Ustiyanovych (1811–1885), such as «The revenge of verhovynets», «The Holy Thursday», «The Permission of God», it is disclosed the specifi c ethnic features of female types of the Carpathian Boikos, it is analyzed the means of their romanticizing in the article. Mykola Ustiyanovych revealed a number of specifi c features of social life, the customs of Boikos. The writer emphasized their sincerity, kindness, willingness to help the disadvantaged, stressed on the compassion and respect of mountain people to widows, in particular to the widow Nalyvaichyha. The researchers of everyday life of Boikos tend to believe the Christian morality as the main factor in the compassion attitude of community to the widows. In the story «The Permission of God» the great attention is paid to the question of parenting and mother’s appointment. In the author’s story are inserted the authorial exclamation intonations in which Mykola Ustiyanovych enjoys sincere maternal love, teaches mothers, promotes the faith in God and moral self-improvement through the atonement and punishment. The women images in prose works of Mykola Ustiyanovych endowed with the romantic features, the writer used the fi gurative means which are inherent to the romanticism. In his work we see the tendency to solve problems of education and high calling of mother in typical to Boikivshchyna didactically-moralistic and religious- Christian plan. All of this, of course, prepared the aesthetic basis for the creation of a new image system, absolutely new types of women, who later clearly detected themselves in the works of Ivan Franko, Olha Kobylianska and other Ukrainian writers.


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