Ukrainian national identity, Ukrainian mentality, ethnicity, Diaspora, narratology discourse, speech etiquette.Abstract
Children’s literature of the Diaspora was a kind of Declaration of the Ukrainian people, signifi cant development, representing the identity of this community outside of Ukraine, especially in its ethnically unique features. Research becomes particularly relevant issues such as national identity refl ected in the works of writers. Social and cultural phenomenon In children’s literature of the Diaspora is seen as marked by the representation of Ukrainian identity and mentality. Narratology discourse represents the observations on the individual images in the works for children as signs semame marked national model of the world. The works of Ukrainian writers in the Diaspora successfully carries out function of representation of national identity through the expression of the traditions, customs and everyday life of Ukrainians, the Ukrainian world of nature. As shown by our study, children’s literature of the Diaspora, representing the national identity of Ukrainian immigrants, also performs a number of important functions: unifying, life-affi rming, spiritual, Patriotic and so forth. Encoded in the text information appears as a moral dominant feature in images and situations that are tailored to a child’s worldview – that the current criteria inherent in the writer-emigrant. Creativity for kids has become a kind of Declaration of the Ukrainian people, a milestone that represents the identity of this community, especially in its ethnically unique features.
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