Lev Lepkyy, Ukrainian sich rifl emen, striletska song, Ukrainian patriotism, Bogdan Lepkyy.Abstract
In the article analyzes the creative heritage of one of the most famous fi gures in the history of striletska songs Lev Lepkyy. Proved: striletski songs – original spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people, which plays one of the brightest pages in the history of tables of national liberation movements in the XX century. As the subject of linguistics study due to their current tasks of ethnology, which is intended to present a comprehensive analysis of the complex process of interaction between traditional and new forms of existence of different genres of poetry in the system of modern literature. It was found that the song «Hey can see village», and «The war by war», «Once, sweet girl», «Went to brave gaevoy dark forest», «Say goodbye, angels with you» and the song «Zhuravli (Hey, my brother)» in the words of Bogdan Lepkyy is great value among the amulets song spiritual heritage of the XX century standing guard Ukrainian idea. Is substantiated that creativity Lev Lepkyy was the phenomenon of Ukrainian patriotism and duty conscious state unbreakable ideological conviction, accumulative creative force in the cultural life of Ukraine. During almost a century of history they contributed to the consolidation of the Ukrainian nation, strengthening of state independence by powerful energy inherent patriotism.
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