
  • Mariіa FEDURKO
  • Anna OGAR


communicative linguistics, communicative competence, communicative barrier, communicative noise, discourse.


The article deals with communication barriers, that understand as a violation of process of human intercourse by a human language, for which one of communicative not fully or in general does not understand other, negatively behaves to the manner of him vocal conduct, verbally cognitive bases or to the signs, to in-use in the act of communication. One of the components of communicative competence is the ability to understand and overcome communication barriers, which can be achieved by research reasons that cause them. Communication barriers due to different factors: social, psychological, physical, language and speech, etc., in accordance determines their different classifi cations. More frequent all communicative barers divide into three types: physical, psychical and semantic. Evaluate communication barriers also ambiguous: a negative review on them as obstacles to understanding and positive - as protection against excessive information.


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