
  • Oksana ZHYHAYLO


competence, primary school, mathematical speech, elementary school teacher, math.


In the article the problem of mathematical speech of younger students is highlighted. The concepts «erminology», «the term», «mathematical terminology» are revealed. The theoretical and practical approaches to the study of mathematical terminology elementary school students are considered. The basic directions in the development of mathematical language primary school children are outline. The method of transition from words to scientifi c mathematical term ші described. The methodological features of terminological work with pupils of fi rst classes are characterized. The operation of each group terms is described, disclosed their characteristics due programmatic requirements and specifi c relevant mathematical concepts. Particular attention is focused on the formation of mathematical speech of students in the computer activities and in the study of values. The diffi culties of learning new terminology by students are analyzed and singled out possible solutions to improve mathematical broadcasting elementary school students. Examples of exercises and tasks that contribute to the formation of mathematical speech elementary school students are shows.


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