concept, sin, archetype, sema, Bible, sacred, language thinking, motivation.Abstract
In the article we research a key lexeme-concept «sin» in the texts Maria Matios, defi ne the archetypical basis and ideological conceptual and ethicall-moral functions, carry out deep linguostylistic studios. We also consider the infl uence of a conceptual lexeme on the formation of an imaginary code of the author’s language thinking. We emphasize that in Maria Matios’s prose a special panorama of a semantic and semantically symbolic fi eld of a sin opens before a reader. Along with archetypical semas others are also activized but the conceptualization of a sin mainly turns round in the sphere of a sacred Christian world outlook. In some moments in Matios’s characters a Christian world outlook is closely connected with a ritual-magic one.We point out that connotative specifi cation of the investigated lexeme carries unusually rich cultural and ethnic national information caused by intra- and extralingual factors. Submeanings go to the national language level, in some cases mentioned ethnically caused semantic onbuilding even dominates over a proper biblical basis.
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