


comparative phraseological units; emotion; emotional vocabulary; emotional concept; comparison; positive emotions; negative emotions.


The article considers comparative phraseological units denoting emotion concepts of Ukrainian, Polish and English; it has been founded that language primarily serves to transmit relevant information, to rationally process the knowledge gained and to pass it on to future generations, and all these processes are accompanied by feelings, desires, and therefore linguists cannot ignore emotions. The transition from structuralism to anthropocentrism has led to a new understanding of traditional linguistic concepts and the expression of emotions is becoming a major function of language, so it is impossible to circumvent the sphere of emotions today. Emotions refl ect the universal experience of understanding the mental life of an individual. They are characteristic of all people regardless of nationality, age, gender, social status, etc. Most emotions can be attribu ted to a number of universal ones (joy, anger, grief, fear), but their fullness, intensity, and degree of depth are specifi ed in each language. Humanity will always feel the same feelings, that indicates the universality of emotive meanings. With a universal picture of emotions, we can talk about the national specifi city of emotive meanings. Objects, events affect people differently and cause a wide variety of emotions not only from different people, but also from the same person in different life situations. The wide palette of feelings of a person is not fully refl ected in the semantics of a word, and phraseologisms are more accurate than words convey the scale of human feelings. Comparative phrases are characterized by high abstraction and refl ect universal and ethno-specifi c knowledge, perceptions of emotional experiences of representatives of different linguistic communities. Each person represents the emotional world in his own way and forms an emotional conceptual sphere in his consciousness. Usually Ukrainian, Polish and English use comparative phraseological units to express negative emotions, it is not surprising, since humanity tends to pay attention fi rst of all to fl aws, so is improved through criticism and irony. Positive emotions do not cause such an acute reaction, so there are not so much corresponding comparatives.


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