


phoneme; model modeling; word; combinability; distributive structure.


To study the peculiarities of the phoneme combinability in two phonemic words the author uses mathematical methods that describe language phenomena. Linguistic models help to reveal the regularity of the phoneme combinability in two componential words that enables to point out the interrelation between the language facts. To determine the line of the development of the phoneme combinability it is necessary to state the reasons of the emergence of the restrictions of the combinability. The detailed analysis of the structure of the two phonemic combinations regarding the word forms of a certain lexeme of the native words and borrowings helps to reveal the peculiarities of the phoneme combinability in two phonemic words. The article is designed to reveal the phonemic content of two phonemic words in the Ukrainian Language, to defi ne the combination ability of certain phonemes, to establish the models of the two phonemic words in modern Ukrainian literary language. In modern Ukrainian among the two componential models with the first vowel component the most typical are the following: O(/o/)F – 6, O/a/)F – 5, that is the combination of a vowel with the following fricative. The combination of the elements in two phonemic distributive structure with the first vowel phoneme as “vowel+fricative” (18) and “vowel+half open” (12) are common in the Ukrainian language. Combination of the elements in two phonemic distributive structures with the first consonant component “fricative+vowel” (22), “half open+vowel” (14) “plosive+vowel” (13) appear to be typical. The words containing such structures belong to the periphery of the lexical system in the Ukrainian Language. These distributive structures of two phonemes are not typical for the modern Ukrainian. This fact is evidenced by the low percentage of the two componential combination of the vowel phonemes with vowels and consonants (16.6%) as well as consonants with consonants and vowels (37.5%). Further research enables to study three phonemic words and fi nd out the peculiarities of phoneme combinability in three phonemic words of the Ukrainian language.


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