Maidan poetry; reception; reminiscence; quotational thesaurus; quotation; intertextuality; allusion; transformation.Abstract
The article investigates Maidan poetic texts through the prism of receptive stylistics (intertextuality), that is, their semantic multilayer structure (quotations, hints, allusions, reminiscences). It is stated that actualized national-centered quotational thesaurus is a higher, literary level of discourse, which, on the one hand, testifi es the author’s mastery, intellectualism and organic associativity of linguistic thinking and, on the other hand, it requires a prepared reader, recipient with rich literary and cultural experience. The generalization is made that in the context of the poetic discourse of Maidan, Taras Shevchenko’s prototexts (titles of works, lines that became set expressions, aphorisms, direct quotations) are the most actualized. The revolutionary context gives them a new up-to-date meaning. Shevchenko’s precedent microdiscourses explicated and implicated by the format of reproduction are accurate and transformed (modifi ed), there are many contaminated and convoluted aphoristic syntagmas. Intertextual inclusions from the poems by Lesya Ukrainka, Pavlo Tychyna, Vasyl Stus, Ivan Drach, Vitaliy Korotych, as well as by the criteria of explicitness, format of reproduction, linguistic and structural features were recorded and considered. The case of folklore thesaurus in relation to ethnoculture and its conceptual and contextual transformations have been investigated. We outline perspectives of future research of the Maidan discourse through the prism of intertextuality on the material of the specifi c authors’ collections (Antonina Lystopad, Svitlana Kostyuk) and also on the level of typologization and text markers of quotations, sources of their formation, dominant quotational inclusions. A generalization has been made that widequotational-reminiscent and allusive-allegorical space of Maidan poetry reveals the statement that it is factliterature of low literary value.
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