


dictionary / lexicon; derivative word; word-formation scheme; wordforming affi x; adjective; recruitment.


The article deals with the relevance of studying the features of the prose language or a poet for recognizing them as individuals who present themselves and the world in which live with the word. In particular, the importance of the study was emphasized the lexicon of the creator as such, which defi nes the essence of his linguistic personality. The lexicon not only serves as a marker of objects and concepts in which the artist is immersed. He also attests to the nature and ways of making sense of reality, and reveals the world of his spiritual prio rities and moral values, helps to penetrate into his emotional and sensual sphere. A signifi cant percentage of each dictionary (and people, and each specifi cits representative) is a derivative vocabulary. So it’s important in context to specify which word-forming models prefers this or that writer and how those models (and accordingly derivatives) correlate with the leading motives of his works. The article emphasizes that a signifi cant proportion of the derived units of Petro Karmansky’s vocabulary is an adjective and a verbal derivatives. It is noted, in addition, that the fi rst and second are characterized by diversity of word-forming structures. The purpose of research was to analyze the most active word-forming models by which derivative adjectives and verbs are formed of P. Karmansky’s poetic vocabulary, and substantiate their text-oriented and text-based signifi cance. Its task was to determine: 1) the units of which grammatical classes served as a motivating base the most frequent schemes of creation of derivative adjectives and verbs; 2) which of word-forming ways interact most consistently with those bases; 3) how the connection of the analyzed derivatives with the leading ones is confi rmed with the poet’s motives and the fi gurative canvas of his works. First characterized the most regular according word-forming characteristics adjective and verbal words. Prospective direction of the further research has identifi ed the study of the most active ways of semantic construction items in Petro Karmansky’s dictionary.



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